Monday, November 23, 2015

The here and now

Hi it's been months and months, almost a year since I've written it seems.

Life has been a lot busier. I was originally going to write about Joanna's transition to crawling and cruising at 7 months as that was a huge mental shift and forced me to really think about home management and child proofing the place! I wanted to commemorate my joy of her new skills also feelings of loss that she isn't just going to stay in one spot on the floor anymore.

Now Joanna is almost 14 months and a ton of changes most recently. Well she has expressed a lot of more self will and she can climb on and off furniture. She has been walking for months so it's only grown her confidence in going to new lengths and heights and exploring her world and seeing how mommy and daddy will respond to her attempts to explore and communicate. So another mental shift for me, forcing me to figure out child training and discipline.

It's overwhelming for me at times as I'm still figuring out managing the home well and figuring how to cook, clean, organize and take care of myself somewhere in there too. God somehow wants me to realize I need him through this all and that the learning will never stop. Thankfully there is the command to take Sabbath so I don't go crazy and lose sight of what's important which is my hope and my home is in Christ and this season will pass too. Lord help me to be faithful to you and to seek you first in the here and now...